
Nathan Leigh

Cloud Engineer @ARM

Have a passion for reading and writing about new innovations in science and technology and how it will disrupt the economy and society in the near future.



Email: nleigh11@gmail.com


Medium Articles

Articles written about the disruption that automation technologies pose on society and the economy, and policy suggestions on how to alleviate the negative outcomes.

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Exponential Disruption

Web page looking at exponential technologies and their potential impact on jobs and society.

In the next 20 years we will face a continuous increasing rate of technological disruption for many of the mass occupations that people perform. If you believe how historically new jobs have always been created and they always will be, then you have to also agree that history indicates if mass labor transitions. It is time to acknowledge huge exponential disruption like we have never seen before is about take place and start preparing for this transition to a new digital age.

Go to Exponential Disruption Page

Live Like A Cat

This website explains how in the future we could build a world where our essential needs are taken care off, and live a life of luxury and play, much like cats do.

Go to Live Like A Cat Website

Android Restaurant System App

My final year uni project was to build an Android Restaurant System Application.

Create and edit any type of customisable menu Item.

Dynamically calculates nutritional information and prices for menu items.

Orders will automatically adjust the stock levels of the ingredients used.

Both waiters and customers can order items which can then be viewed by a kitchen.

Go to Restaurant App